
I have been in bottle training mode for the past week so pictures have been sparse. Johnnie is loving swimming & spends a lot of the weekend swimming with his friends at the neighbor's home. This leaves Joey & Jimmy at home to play together. They get along really well when they aren't fighting that is. Lately the favorite game has been using Tinker Toys to play make believe kitchen & cooking. Naptime has always given us a 2 hour block of time to clean up, rest, get chores done & enjoy some quiet time. Well since the boys share a room & Johnnie has given up naptime so have the other 2. We still make them go in the room to rest for at least an hour but this weekend when I opened the door to check on them this is what I saw. The 3 of them huddled over a book reading together. Doesn't Johnnie look worried that I just caught them not sleeping? At least one of our children took a nap. And daddy's arms & chest seem to be her favorite place to sleep these days. And at 8 weeks old she is finally waking up happy in the morning & smiling more throughout the day! And this makes her mama smile more too.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Way to capture Holly's sweet smile!!! Great job!!