
Meeting the Girl

Tonight Rick brought the boys by to meet their new baby sister. Right when they walked in the room I realized that I would no longer be the princess I once was to them any longer. It quickly became obvious to me that I would always be their mama but the girl that would now hold a special place in their heart is little Miss Holly Moon. And seeing their faces light up makes me so happy that I have been replaced. They adored her. They couldn't get enough of her. Joey hugged Holly & gave her a kiss but was more interested in playing with our iPhones. Johnnie wanted to hold her the entire time he was here. He wanted to hug her & pet her & just love on her. We weren't surprised because we expected Johnnie to adore his baby sister. But the surprise of the evening was how much interest Jimmy showed to the new baby in the house. He kept repeating "I hold Holly" over & over. And he wanted to give hugs & kisses. And when it was time to head home all the boys were very sad to hear that their little sister would be staying in the hospital. I was hugged & kissed to resounding calls of See you later mama. Like I said I think I have been replaced at least for now. And I couldn't be happier.


Jackie Kelly said...

What cute pix! The boys are just adorable the way they've taken to Holly so quickly. They'll all make wonderful big brothers.

Jackie Kelly said...

Like the new blog name.