
Be Different.

I absolutely love this blog & look forward to checking for new posts weekly. The photographer Erin is currently hosting a Mama Monday (with a camera) lessons on her site & this week she focused on being different when choosing that photograph. So I decided to go through my photos to see if I could find any examples where I didn't get that exact photo I was looking for but instead got what I think of as my perfect photo.

I am always trying to get a photo of my boys straight on but if any of you have a 3 year old then you know that's not that easy. So I settled for a side view of my 43 month old boy intently watching Toy Story. But in giving up & settling for that photo I got a photo that is so him. Beautiful. Serious. Intense. Some of my favorite traits. And while editing the photo I felt as though this picture was very familiar so I looked back through his photos & found this photo of Johnnie at 7 months. A little less serious. A little less intense. But just as beautiful.


erin said...

Oh Cathy, I LOVE how you captured the SAME expression over a span of years. That's amazing! I'm so glad you're taking all my little tips and ideas to heart. Your boys will thank you one day for your dedication to documenting their moments and the love you have for them!

Megan said...

That's cool you have that comparison!