1. I wanted to share some more of the photos taken during Johnnie's birthday week. We decided to have his birthday party at his daycare center with his preschool classmates since he spends all day with them & these are the friends he constantly talks about. Here is a photo of all the kids eating cupcakes & if you can enlarge the photo please notice the funny face Rick is making.2. On Johnnie's actual birthday my family came over to celebrate with dinner, cupcakes & gifts. Johnnie seemed shocked that we turned the lights off & lit the candle.3. Here he is blowing out his candle. Hope he made a wish but in case he didn't I made some wishes for him. Probably much different than the ones he would wish for himself but either way they would all make him happy.4. Sharing his birthday with his 2 brothers. Don't worry we did give a cupcake to Joey & poor Jimmy really wanted one. He kept bouncing up & down trying to get to one but sorry baby you have to wait 5 more months to get one, but I promise it will be worth the wait!5. Once again family & friends were too generous. I requested only 1 gift from family members including his very missed family back East but as you can see that didn't happen. It did make him smile though as he unwrapped each gift & for the 1st time he seemed to really understand that each gift was for him & from someone he loves.6. Johnnie wanted to play with these MagnaTiles as soon as dinner was over. If you have never seen them I highly recommend them. They are tiles of all different shapes surrounded by magnets. Johnnie LOVES them. He will sit still for long stretches of time building creative little structures on his own or with help. And if you know our boy you know this is no easy feat...getting him to sit still. So I say again. We LOVE these things. 7. On the Monday after his birthday Rick & I took Johnnie to Disneyland all by himself. As always we started on Johnnie's favorite ride. The carousel. I rode with him long enough to get a picture & then Johnnie had me move to my own horse.8. After getting off a ride that made Johnnie beg to go home because we spent the whole time in a dark tunnel (Alice in Wonderland) we were able to make him happy by letting him try & open this little door but then he became a little upset that he couldn't open it. What's a parent to do?9. A close up of my favorite guy & one of my favorite boys.10. The last picture of the day. Lots of people are always asking me who Johnnie looks like & I think he looks a little like both of us but I think this picture shows how much my first born looks like me. We hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend my love! Thank you for blessing us with each hug, with each show of strength of your personality, with each gentle touch toward your baby brothers, your tackles, your tantrums, your laughs & just you! We love you!
oh wow happy THREE! i guess it's no more 'baby johnnie!'
Happy Birthday! Was Rick caught off guard? It looks like Johnnie had a fabulous day!
Looks like a wonderful Birthday.
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