
Don't Forget to Wear Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Johnnie is wearing the same shirt he wore last year but it fits a little better this time. And since it's all wrinkled...it says "I'd Rather Be Lucky than Good!" Wouldn't you?11 Weeks Old Today. No closer to sleeping through the night. Actually getting up every 2 hours for feedings at night now. AARGH! But wouldn't you want to get up to see this face too?


Megan said...

Sorry for the lack of sleep. Jacob still isn't sleeping through the night. He got up every two hours until he was 6 months old. Good luck with this one.

J.J. said...

oh you are NOT making me excited to be doing night feedings again. except that then i wouldn't be pregnant. what a trade off huh.

Shelly said...

What handsome boys! Good thing they're so cute...or else how could you ever get up every 2 hours?? :-)

Katie said...

How funny! Kelsea also wore the same shirt you got her last year for St Patty's Day and it fit perfectly!