
Happy New Year aka Joey's Birthday

In our house the turn of the new year is always a special occasion because we celebrate the birthday of our 2nd child. Jojo, Joseph & Joeeeeeeeeey (his new reference to himself). He is even more stubborn, more playful & feistier than ever. It's hard to believe that so much personality can be packed into such a small package but if you have ever spent even just a few minutes with our boy then you know he's hard to forget. Just the faces I captured in a matter of 30 seconds shows how full of life he is. He is still all about daddy. Can't get enough of his trucks. Inside the house or outside. Adores chocolate. Loves playfully hitting. Can't say the word NO enough. And overall is just such a joy when he's not being naughty that is. We love you Joe & can't wait to see what changes your 4th year will bring.

1 comment:

Jackie Kelly said...

Ha! Love these pics of Joey mugging for the camera. Some real keepers there. What a ham.