
Can You Believe

that this sweet little face can so quickly turn into this? And wow I mean over nothing. Literally in a split second. I can't even remember what was said but at 40 months old he has more crazy moments & tantrums than he does good moments. I have been told that these moments will pass & my sweet, kind baby boy will return by the age of 4 & maybe even as early as 3 1/2 but right now I just pray for those good moments! And just as quickly he put his pacifier in his mouth & went back to watching a movie all the while being sweet again.


lizzyashby davidaaron said...

Oh what a lucky boy to have a mama that still can call him sweet after endless tantrums. Cant wait for Ashby to be here soon and one day for her to throw hissy fits too...

Megan said...

The tantrums stop? Who told you that...I need to know so I can find out how they did it!

J.J. Killins said...

you know, we have had very specific times with alla where this has been the case. most recently it was about two months after she turned four, and it's gotten much better since.

have you heard about how kids have rough spots when they are on the half-year? i.e., 3 and a half. :) i don't think it always lines up that way, but that could be your explanation!

Katie said...

Welcome to the threes. It gets better, Kelsea seemed to turn a corner at 3 1/2 and it's mostly gotten better since.

Of course she did tell her teacher at school that she was going to kill her. So maybe a tantrum is easier to deal with.

Unknown said...

El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin