
10 on Tuesday

1. I feel like I haven't posted photos of the babes in awhile so this will be a photo rich post.

2. Sara brought her boys over for a play date recently & at one point I turned around after placing Joey in his swing & noticed that Johnnie was sucking on a pacifier while Adam & Jake were sucking their thumbs. Funny how the only "baby" in the house does neither but as you can see it doesn't keep any of them from playing with the toys.3. While at Jake's birthday party we had our photo taken as a family of 4. Speaks well to our new situation. Happy parents, a sleeping baby & a toddler who couldn't be bothered to look at the camera while playing.4. While feeding Johnnie pancakes (his favorite breakfast item these days) he kept posing with his hands on his face. Don't know if he learned it from a friend or thought of doing it himself but either way I had to get a picture of it.5. One of my best friends is staying with me while she works on her Harvard PhD research. This gave us girls the opportunity to get together for a nice night out. Amazing food at Petros, & more importantly a nice night catching up with old friends. 6. While playing in the backyard this weekend I decided it was warm enough to fill the water table. So I'm letting Johnnie pull the hose over to the table while I went to turn the water on. Well the hose stopped moving so I turned around to see what he was doing. I guess Johnnie not only notices & mimics how we behave but also the cats inside & outside our home.7. My sister was here over the weekend (of course she was) & was trying to teach Johnnie how to hold Joey so I had to run & get my camera to capture their sweetness on camera. Warms my heart to see the love they already share. Still can't get over how different their complexions are.8. Johnnie giving a whole new meaning to "walking a day in my shoes". In this case, he was wearing his daddy's & trying to run all over the house. 9. Joey finished his 1st week of daycare with what else... a cold. Nothing too serious. Stuffed nose, lots of coughing, more spitting up & just a little more fussiness.

10. 15 Weeks Old. You were being pretty fussy so I set you down in the clean laundry & all was calm.


Katie said...

Such cute photos!! Love the one with Johnnie's hands on his face. And what's up with Joey looking like he has red hair? I'm thinking he got Rick's complexion...(-:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all of these and catching up on what your days are like. Carson looked with me and kept saying, "Hi Baby!"

J.J. said...

wow is that RED hair in that last one or just the lighting? so one has your skin and the other has rick's - interesting! i love all the pics, especially johnnie's hands on his face and drinking the cat's water!

Megan said...

Great 10! I love all those pictures. It seem like Johnnie has quite a personality.

Shelly said...

Love all the pics! And their complexions are so different. I didn't notice it until that photo. That's exciting. A mini-Cat and a mini-Rick :-)