
He's Getting So Big

Happy Birthday!!! Jimmy is 4 years old.
  Hard to believe but if you could hear him speak you would know it's true. He has always been a highly intelligent little boy but now that he is getting ready to start fulltime preschool his intelligence is even more obvious. He works nonstop at a task until he either perfects it or figures out how to do whatever it is he's trying to do. This includes everything in his life. School work, tee ball, playing Memory, climbing trees & just playing with his toys. He's a perfectionist! He's a goofball.  
He loves to play, read books & snuggle. He loves to have fun & giggle, which is why we decided to celebrate his birthday at the Pirate's Dinner Adventure. We all went including his brothers & sister, both his aunties & both of their significant others.  
There were pictures, giggles, yelling & parts in the show dressed as a pirate.

We are so happy to watch our little guy grow up but just like I do with all my kids I wish time would slow down. We love you Jimmy James (the way he refers to himself).

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