
39 Weeks aka 9 Months

Holly Moon is 9 months old. She is such a tiny little girl with such a huge personality. She is 27 " long (25%) & 16 lbs 7 oz (10%). She loves to smile, yell, bang on her her high chair when she wants more food, cuddle & just brightens every single one of our days. She has started eating solid foods (Puffs, crackers, mum mums & pancakes). She pulls herself up to a standing position & just today she started cruising around her crib. She actually enjoys crawling around in the grass. She absolutely loves her brothers & whenever they talk to her she giggles. Her little mohawk is now long enough to wear in a ponytail. She is quickly becoming a daddy's girl but for now she remains so in love with me, her mama. And I couldn't be happier about that. I love you little girl!

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