
10 on Tuesday- Week Two

1. Holly Moon turned 2 weeks old yesterday. With all of my boys a routine with some consistency set in at the 2 week point. And my daughter seems to have fallen in to a routine as well. She is still a great eater & remains a calm soul among our chaotic home of boys. For the 1st year of life I keep a scrapbook that contains a weekly photo so for this week I decided to take a photo of Holly sleeping on our front lawn since that is what she does ~ 15-16 hours a day. And last week she did a newborn photography shoot with Julie Rollins & if you click on her link you can see the sneak peek she posted. 2. These next 3 photos were taken prior to Holly's arrival. We had a playdate with the Laughrey girls. Kelsea & Johnnie still play really well together whether it's kicking a soccer ball around or coloring their faces with chalk like they did on this playdate. 3. Jimmy & Lorelei have been friends since Jimmy was 3 days old. Even though they aren't in the same daycare center anymore they still remember each other when we can get them together. 4. Joey still doesn't like to take photos with other kids except his brothers & his photo companion preference is always his daddy.5. And this is also an older photo. Holly is 2 days old & her new bestie, Whitney Laughrey is 6 weeks old.6. And Jimmy is still enjoying his baby sister.7. While Johnnie was swimming with our neighbor the other 3 kids & I spent some time enjoying the backyard sun. I love this photo because I'm usually the one taking all the photos so it's nice to just have some pictures of us being us on a lazy sunny summer day.8. There are a lot of changes in store for Johnnie. He is a big brother for the 3rd time. He starts his pre-Kindergarten program next week. And he starts his first organized sport activity, soccer in 3 weeks. So his daddy took him to get his cleats & shin guards & he has been very excitedly practicing every evening. And of course enjoying popsicles & the brain freeze that comes with it afterwards.9. Holly had her 1st bottle this week with daddy. After a little struggle she happily drank the entire thing. 10. My new favorite photo of my boys. They still fight us to get in the bath but once in the bath they have a GREAT time & don't want to get out. And in order to get them to enjoy washing their hair we make shark & fish fins. I love these boys.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Two weeks already--wow! I'm always scared about a third until I read our blog--you make four look easy!