I can't believe it is January 26th already & I haven't posted anything yet this year. It has been a crazy busy month. Pink eye, mini colds, long hours of work for Rick & therefore a lot of time for mama trying to keep up with the boys. Here are some photos of what we have been doing these last few weeks.
Jimmy is one month away from turning 2. He is such a sweetie & still a mama's boy for now.
Johnnie is now 4 years & 4 months old. So smart & so funny. And such a sweetie! 
Joey has fallen in to the role of a 3 year old BOY with ease. Stubborn, hilarious & able to cheer us up with just a tiny smirk. 
We celebrated Rick's, my sister Kim's, my dad's & Rick's dad's birthday this month. As a family
& alone as a couple.
It has been very busy but fun but I promise to keep more in touch.
Jimmy is one month away from turning 2. He is such a sweetie & still a mama's boy for now.