Joey has been 2 for 3 months now but with each passing day he becomes more of the 2 year old we had always worried about having. As parents you are always forewarned of the different stages you will face with your children & we never felt like Johnnie went through the terrible 2s so we just assumed that people must be exaggerating. Until our boy Joey turned 2. He is every bit of the terrible that people described. Pouty, feisty, whiny, needy, quick to hit & very much that child you see who throws himself down on the floor in a fit when he doesn't get what he wants. But as terrible as he is, he is one of the most loving, happy & smiley children you have ever met. He loves ball sports especially basketball & golf.
He is also our child that makes us laugh a ton. For instance this weekend I was sitting at my desk while the boys played in the backyard. I looked out the window & saw this.
His pants weren't down because he had to use the bathroom but just down because he deosn't like to wear pants. He is constantly pushing them down around his ankles & just running around. I told you he's feisty & stubborn. He too enjoys bathtime & of course likes to try & turn it into a sport, usually baseball even if the only bat he has is a tiny toothbrush.
You bring so much joy to our lives Jojo & really how hard could another 9 months be until you turn 3, huh? Especially when we have this smile to look at! We love you little guy!